07. July 2019 Positivo songs in "Vozes pela Saúde" Fechou ontem o prazo do concurso nacional "Vozes pela Saúde", onde a Positivo Mozambique participou com duas músicas nas categorias HIV e Malaria. Vejam por favor abaixo os links para as duas músicas: Youtube content is not displayed due to your cookie settings. Click on the functional YouTube cookies in the cookie banner to agree to load and display content from YouTube. Youtube content is not displayed due to your cookie settings. Click on the functional YouTube cookies in the cookie banner to agree to load and display content from YouTube. tagPlaceholderTags: Write a comment Comments: 1 #1 LD (Tuesday, 09 July 2019 09:31) Super! Parabéns
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LD (Tuesday, 09 July 2019 09:31)
Super! Parabéns